TRTP Therapy – Northern Rivers Counselling NSW

TRTP Therapy – Northern Rivers Counselling, NSW

The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP Therapy)  is a simple,  step-by-step process, which resolves trauma and trauma related issues including PTSD, anger, anxiety,  depression, fears, low self-esteem and phobias. It’s a surprisingly powerful transformational tool that is quick to learn and apply for solo practice.

TRTP Therapy is a brief, effective solution for the treatment of complex trauma conditions. We work with you to create a plan that meets your needs, and we get results fast – generally in 3 to 4 sessions, without re-traumatising the client.

TRTP Therapy is a highly advanced process of directed hypnotherapy. It is a structured and sequenced sequence of steps, which when combined create powerful and significant shifts.

Our model enables us to quickly and effectively help you overcome trauma.

Online TRTP Counselling - Anne Evans, Zoom Counselling

TRTP Therapy – Online Counselling

TRTP Therapy – Byron Shire Online Counselling Services

TRTP Therapy enables individuals to quickly and effectively help you overcome trauma.

Trauma gets stuck in the body, and the unconscious. It affects an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.

TRTP  Therapy deals with past events in two ways: physically, by releasing the emotional charge that gets stuck at the time of the event, and psychologically, by installing a feeling of safety (I’m safe) into the body and mind.

Clients are enabled to resolve issues from their past, which then lets them move forward in their lives.

TRTP Therapy facilitates communication with the unconscious through the imagination and resolves the trauma efficiently and effectively.

Using a unique 3-step process, the Richards Hypnosis Technique helps you change with confidence!

The body and the unconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real or imagined, so when we imagine different outcomes to old events, we can access the encoded information and resolve issues on deeper levels.

We believe that humans are designed to be amazing. With TRTP Therapy, limiting beliefs and painful experiences are rewired and resolved. The client is always in full control throughout the hypnosis process.

The experts in trauma, van der Kolk and Levine, state to resolve trauma two requirements are necessary:

• The person must be moved to an empowered position in regards to the trauma.
• The body must know that the event/events are over.

TRTP Therapy deals with the underlying causes of negative beliefs that govern our destructive thoughts, emotions and behaviours. TRTP Therapy helps you gain control over your feelings, without re-traumatising you.

The Client becomes empowered to make changes in order to heal and prevent similar occurrences.

TRTP Therapy does not merely address the symptoms of trauma but resolves its psychological and physiological causes. Its a simple, natural process that restores calm to the mind, body and spirit.

Happiness is an inside job!

Simply get in touch with Anne and let her answer your questions and explain how simple proven methods can help YOU.

Northern Rivers Counselling Services NSW - Anne Evans, Counselling

Happiness is an inside job!

Phone: 1300 018 255

Simply get in touch with Anne and let her answer your questions and explain how simple proven methods can help YOU.

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